Four Roses use 2 different mash bills and 5 different yeast strains to create 10 unique bourbon recipes. All 10 of the recipes are typically blended together to create Yellow, however, there are times when not all 10 recipes are used in each batch. The Q yeast strain is described as having and essence of floral aromas, of which there are 2 Q recipes, OESQ and OBSQ (1 for each mash bill), which are considered “flavoring recipes.” These recipes make up a small portion of Four Roses’ overall production and consequently a small portion of the Yellow blend, typically ranging from 1.5 – 3.5%. When supplies are short and the desired flavor profile has already been achieved, Four Roses may forego one or both of these additional flavoring recipes in the blend. As a result the Yellow blend will include 8 – 10 of the Four Roses recipes depending on the batch.
abv: 40%